modifications > Cool Tech Jack Rails

Why did you put the Cool Tech Jack Rails on your RS?

The factory RS jack points are located at (4) pinch welds in the unibody. That doesn't make it easy to jack the RS from a pinch weld when you need to put a jack stand in that same spot. The Cool Tech Jack Rails allow you to jack the RS from the middle of each side. This allows you to place a jack stand at each pinch weld location per side.

Date Completed:



- Cool Tech Jack Rail kit
- Red Loctite


- 1/4", 3/8" drive ratchets, torque wrench, a few extensions, sockets (10mm, 1/2")
- 9/16" combination wrench to hold back-up on the rivnut installation tool in the kit
- Large Phillips-head screwdriver to remove black undertray panels
- Tin snips or any tool to trim the factory undertray panels
- 10,000 lb 2-post lift (optional, but highly recommended!)
*A friend for moral support is always optional.


1. About 1 hour install. I took my time because of taking pictures for this website.
2. Front undertray remains untouched, but both side undertrays have to come off.
3. Apologize for the filth. Caught in a rainstorm on way back from Cars & Coffee in New Orleans recently.
4. Car can be warm/hot to do this swap. Just watch out for the exhaust.
5. Cool Tech supplied great instructions with a few pictures.
6. No wiring plugs need to be disconnected for this swap.
7. I put red loctite on all (4) Jack Rail cap screws to prevent them loosening over time.
8. Torque for JackRail cap screws = 18 lb-ft (216 in-lb).
9. Although these Jack Rails are removable if you trim the factory undertrays it will look weird with them removed.
10. Cool Tech did a group buy for these rails. Doubt they will run the group buy again.